The attacks on that day are one of the few “where were you when…?” moments that each of us likely remembers in excruciating detail. It is amazing to me how the people and places of those memories will stick with us years and years later. I was in the Chi O house getting ready for my Mississippi History class when Emily Jones (now Emily Hutton) came in my room to tell me about it. She said her dad called her as soon as he heard, and we tuned into CNN, our eyes glued to the TV, practically holding our breath while the day’s events unfolded. I will never forget that day, nor should I. Nor should anyone.
Eight years later, we as a people, as a country, as a world, still reel from the effects of September 11, 2001. We were all New Yorkers that day, no one a democrat or republican – there was only room for Americans, and we embraced each other like never before and haven’t since. I can’t help but think that today we are the antithesis of who we were that day and days after – now polarized, antagonistic, self-serving. Just for today, shouldn‘t we put aside heated debate and honor those fallen? Let us forget who we are now and remember who we were then.
Celebrate your great American spirit this weekend!
I will never forget that moment... I was in the shower and Lindsay came banging on the door. I stood in front of the tv with just a towel on mesmerized by what was happening. I nervously drove to campus and had class with Lora. We honestly didn't even have class; we just talked about what was happening. That was one of the most emotional days of my life and I will never forget. We were all united in a matter of minutes, and I wish we could get back to that place. God bless America!
I was in the KD house getting ready for my Business Law class. It feels like it was just yesterday. I still to this day can't believe it actually happened. Great post :)
That post just brought tears to my eyes recalling the emotions from that day...you are a wonderful writer.
Great post! I was in Arturo's class in Spanish III. Right after that, I met Miranda Wood at the shuttle stop and tried to convince her that it wouldn't start a war, that it was probably an accident.
Wish that had been the case.
It feels really weird talking to my students about it - they were only 5!!!
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