Top Ten Reasons I Love Kell:
10. He’s neat. I’ve never been one to really take the proverbial bull by the horns on all things clean (right, yaya?). Fortunately for me, I have Kell to do that. If he didn’t ask me to vacuum and straigten up, I’d never do it or I’d let it get out of control. My mother did not set a very good example.

8. He’s handsome. He may not think so, but I totally do. He also looks great with a five o’clock shadow and messy hair. And don’t even get me started on the seersucker suit…
7. He pays our bills. I have no idea how much we pay for rent, utilities, cable, etc. Kell pays them every month and never gripes. He never even said a word about money when I didn’t have a real job for four months.
6. He’s smart. I’ve never met someone who knows so many statistics before in my life. You can pretty much ask him about any football, basketball, golf or tennis player out there, and he can tell you where they’re from and where they went to college. He also knows a lot about politics and Mississippi and reads a LOT.
5. He is his own person. Kell never pretends to be someone he’s not. He never feels like he has to say something just to hear himself talk. He’s the most sincere person I know.

3. He’s a Godly husband. Because of him, we say the blessing every night before dinner. It’s not a big thing, but I think it speaks volumes about where his heart is.
2. He loves his family. I can only hope that if I am fortunate enough to have a son one day, he will be as devoted to us as Kell is to his parents. And he tries to act like he doesn’t love the twins, but he so does. Oh, and he loves me, too – at least he says he does.
1. He’s my best friend. We dated for six years before we got married, and I can’t think of a better way to have spent them.
Happy 27, Ray Kelly!

And to another love of my life: Sir Paul McCartney turns a sexy 65 today.
Happy Birthday to my favorite Lad from Liverpool!
so it hard to have birthday so close? i am psycho about my birthday so i am really impressed that you can share the week. :)
seriously, y'all sound like a great match. so happy for your happiness and love!
so so sweet. i enjoy making lists. :)
happy bday! :)i love kell.
that is so sweet! now i think i'm in love with kell too! :)
way off topic here...but can you send me the recipe for that dessert you made one time at their old house...i think it had ice cream, cool whip, maybe crunched up heath bar on top? i hope you know what i'm talking put it in a large pan in the freezer...
help a sista out...
Such a good idea, the top ten list! Whatever made you think to do that? We earned major points with the spouse!
Happy Birthday, Kell! I miss you.
Strats, that was so sweet. You are a good wife. Happy Belated Birthday to you too!!
Happy Birthday Kell!
I miss y'all!
so sweet. i loveth kelly smith.
Two Bitts slogan:
"Put your Two Bitts In"
I see it on bumper stickers all over south mississippi. I think of you each time.
Music to a mother-in-law's heart!
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