"I've discovered that my own little postage stamp of native soil was worth writing about and that I would never live long enough to exhaust it."
- William Faulkner

Friday, April 16, 2010

moving on

I hate disappointing a friend. In all honesty, there are few worse feelings in the world. So imagine my sadness when I had to put down the book I was reading, Family Affair. I've made no bones about my love for Jen Lancaster, the friend (I should probably note that she does not know that we are friends) who recommended the book to me. She gave it such a glowing review, and I hold her in such high regard that I felt certain I would love the book as she did. Sadly, I did not. Although I don't particularly like giving up on a book, I don't let it get to me. I'm an adult, and I don't have to read anything I don't want to read. So there.

That said, I'm moving on to a modern classic that I've never read: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Harris loved it, and I love Savannah, Georgia. I'm giving it a try. Here's hoping!
I'd planned on starting to read it on the flight to London on Saturday, but since some volcanic ash seems to be in the way, who knows if I'll get there at all. I'll keep you posted as I am certain you will lose sleep over my travel plans.

Have a delightful weekend. TTFN!


Laura Merrill said...

I love Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil! It's one of my faves....

Lauren K said...

Hi, blog stalker here...I devoured Midnight in Garden of Good and Evil on a beach vacation. I think you will LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

No doubt about it - this will make your top five. Bold statement, I know. But I love it that much, and we are literary kindreds, no?

Warning: you WILL laugh out loud. Very loudly. Just a disclaimer before you get into it in a public setting.


MNAC said...

I've read it 3 times. LOVE IT! Missy

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