After months of searching and weeks of waiting, we pulled the trigger and signed are lives away. Is it wrong to be excited about decades of debt?
Anywho, we closed on Halloween, and Kell's parents were waiting, brush in hand, to help us paint (thanks, guys!). When that was finished, Haley came to help pack (thank you, too!) even though she was miffed at my lack of progress in that department. 4 days and 3 bottles of deep cleaner later, we turned in our apartment keys and are finally home! If Kell and I don’t kill each other over unpacking boxes, setting up bed frames or how many huggies to keep, maybe we’ll have you over to show off our crib. Y’all come see us now, ya hear!

PS - I'm thinking about starting the Twilight books. Should I, or am I still not over Harry Potter being over?
my friends are obsessed with the those books.
AHHH!!!! HOMEOWNER??!! i GUESS i'm not mad at you for not telling me!
CONGRATS! can't wait to visit.
yay!! congrats to you :) i can't wait to see the house! i've been debating the twilight series myself... can't decide.
That's an easy argument..... you keep all the huggies. Glad that's settled.
congrats, MSKS! that is wonderful news!
The Twilight books are GREAT!! I love them!! If you liked Harry Potter then you will most likely enjoy this series.
Hey Mary Straton...I know I'm so random, but I read your blog often because I think it's so well written! I'm a huge reader too...I think I've read each of the HPs at least 4 times, and some of them more than that. The Twilight series is great; I really enjoyed the first 3. I'll save my opinion on the 4th...You can decide for yourself.
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