Thus, I was introduced to one of my favorite brands of makeup through Miss Haley - NARS. Per her suggestion, I started with a classic color blush with a naughty name, and I have never been the same. Next was the bronzer in Casino - another fool-proof for those who like a "little color on the face." I've branched out on my own and recently purchased a blush in Mouina and later a eyeshadow duo, Habanera, that sort of pays homage to those disco-fancying Nordics, ABBA. Other make-up products that I like that don't start with "N": Bare Minerals foundation, MAC eyeshadow and eyeliner, Prescriptives Camouflage Cream concealer and the Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick.
It's amazing to me that animals have different personalities. When Kell and I adopted The Twins from CARA last year, they were but teeny black furballs. As sweet and anxiety-ridden as Charlie is, Olive is the beef of the operation and the ultimate "alpha dog." She'll take a nap with you all day long, but move a millimeter and she'll let a bark rip that will rattle the walls. A full two pounds bigger than her little bro, she's the biggest fan of the electric blanket in the house. Her greatest loves: napping, Cheez-Its, ice cubes, licking up the noses of whomever sits still long enough and any crumb that falls from the table. Her greatest enemies: exercise, cats, strange noises on TV and that dog that's always lurking on the other side of the mirror.
Here are some pictures:

Haley also suggested another facet to the "O" post, and I'll indulge her as I think it's a great idea. The Office on NBC is, dare I say, a comedy of Seinfeld proportions. Though Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer roamed Thursday nights for 9 seasons and nearly 180 belly-laughter-inducing episodes, the misadventures of the colleagues in The Office give new meaning to "hostile work environment." For four seasons, the Dunder Mifflin Scranton Branch has been our work-away-from work and has made a hilarious mockery of corporate life while putting an American twist on the British new classic of the same name and genre. Though it seems impossible, I'd like to list what I think are the top 10 moments:
Kelly: Oh my God. I have so much to tell you!
Jim Halpert: Really?
Kelly: Yes! Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, they had a baby and they named it Suri, and then Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, they had a baby too and they named it Shiloh, and both babies are amazing!
Jim Halpert: Great. What's new with you?
Kelly: I just told you.
Episode: The Merger, Season 3
In an attempt to woo Pam, Andy sings to her "The Rainbow Connection"...in pig latin.
The Convict, 3.
Pam and Jim convince Dwight that Thursday is actually Friday.
Performance Review, 2.
Jim and Dwight form an alliance - with Dwight ending up in a cardboard box in the warehouse.
The Alliance, 1.
Dwight receives faxes from "Future Dwight" (Jim). "Someone has poisoned the coffee. Do NOT drink the coffee. Sincerely, Future Dwight."
Gay Witch Hunt, 3.
"That's what she said." - Michael Scott
Jim "steals" Dwight's identity...with an outfit that cost a total of $11. "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica."
Product Recall, 3.
Michael grills his foot on a George Foreman and Dwight gets a concussion on his way to pick Michael up. Dwight exclaims on his way to the hospital, "You can't fire me - I don't work in this van!"
The Injury, 2.
Jim and Pam share their first kiss!
Casino Night, 2.
Jim Halpert: This came out really well. There you go. [hands Dwight his new ID]
Dwight Schrute: This is humongous. I am not a security threat. And my middle name is Kurt, not Fart.
Conflict Resolution, 2
Disagree? Air your grievances in a comment!
"this wine has an oaky afterbirth"
Michael Scott
The Dinner Party
I use the same BLUSH.... and I always get embarrassed when I ask for it in Sephora.
The office- I mean, where do you begin. I would agree that Future Dwight is pretty great... but diversity day is one of my favorites.
How precious are those dogs!!!! I am not a fan of Nars eyeshow. I have two sets that you can have...they are brand new.
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