"I've discovered that my own little postage stamp of native soil was worth writing about and that I would never live long enough to exhaust it."
- William Faulkner

Monday, April 11, 2011

could you do this?

(photo from Jessi's blog. Hope she doesn't mind...)

Jessi has always been cool. She was two years older than me in high school and a bff of yaya’s older sister Kristen. She was a cheerleader, totally cute, really smart and mind-blowingly creative. She made me feel cool by just knowing my name and acknowledging me in the hall of my small high school. And as if she weren’t a cool enough teen, she’s an even cooler adult: a graphic designer, living in Brooklyn with a cool husband named Creighton. Serious cool. So needless to say, when I heard she was tapped by the TEDActive conference to speak, I wasn’t surprised. I wasn’t even surprised at what she’d speak about.

Her blog Lucky So and So is a tribute to color – every color of the rainbow. Plus the rainbow. And no one loves thrift store shopping more than she does (rarely does an outfit cost more than $50). Exhibit A: her “Week’s Worth of Undies” project. Her mission: Take a trip with no other clothing (other than what’s literally on her back) besides a week’s worth of, yep, undies. All the clothes she would wear that week would be purchased in thrift stores, worn once and either given away or donated to a thrift store. Leaving her again with...only the undies.

Could you do this? I know I couldn’t. The second I learned I’d be traveling to Paris this summer, I started stressing about packing…

Have a great Monday!

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Hi Mary Straton! Thanks for saying such nice things. Because you posted this, I got a sweet email from your mom. It certainly makes my day to get a note from my first grade teacher!

Hope to see you at Mississippi Day in the Park!

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