I can drive, say my ABCs backwards (thanks to yaya who taught me that trick), read, write the occasional phrase and even say a few things in Japanese. Yes, there are things I can do, and a few that I’m pretty good at, if I do say so myself. However, I am not a Jill of all Trades, shall we say.
I cannot decorate.
Don’t misunderstand me – I said I can’t decorate. I know stuff that’s cute from stuff that’s really tacky. I know what I like and what I don’t like, and I’ve even picked up just a few things from my mom and grandmother. But when it comes to gathering all these cute things and dispersing them over the course of a few rooms, I am at a total loss. I guess you could say I know just enough to know that I don’t know what I’m doing. And as my mom says, decorating mistakes are expensive.
How does one walk that fine line of cool and creative, even some DIY vs. cheap and looks-like-I-made-it-in-Bible-School? How do I decide what to do first? Where can I skimp and where should I splurge? I recently met with an interior designer, and she pulled swatch after swatch of fabric, tassels and bits of furniture from her wonderland of resources. And I’ll say I really like what she picked out – I really did. But how do I make sure a little of “me” shines through?
All that to ask you, my friends, for your tips, tricks, websites and shortcuts that I can use to make our new house our home. Is there anything that YOU learned the hard way from which you can save me? What’s that one great piece of advice? Or what’s your favorite thing you’ve ever done to your home? I need your help!
Don’t make me beg…
First of all, YOU BOUGHT A HOUSE???? WHERE HAVE I BEEN?? I am so excited for you!! I need to see pictures!
And here is a lovely yet thrifty decorating blog that I found - maybe it can help you.
miss you like junior mints.
world's worst at that - right here. I wish i could just order a house decorated like I want. I know what i like and don't like, but can't do it.
if we were all rich, we would just hire someone to do this all for us.
i offer no help;
but support
Three cheers for domoino magazine.
Call Bonnie Hardin. That's what I did. I had the stuff, and she placed EVERYTHING where it is supposed to go. Love her!
my motto is "if you LOVE it...you NEED it." NOTHING in my house "matches." If I find something that I love, I buy it. It doesn't matter if I know where I am going to put it or if matches anything in my house...if its "me" and I love it, I buy it. I love my house. It is an eclectic mix of me and my mother. (new and old:)) Here is my favorite blog. Its a friend of my sisters who is a FABULOUS designer! http://urbangraceinteriors.typepad.com/the_blog/
My one piece of advice...don't rush! No one says your house has to be perfect two months after you move in! but don't debate on something to long either...if you love it, go with it! I'm like you, I know what I like, I just can't go pick it out. There's a cute fabric store in ridgeland i'm going to tomorrow -- i'll get you the name! Have fun though!!!!
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